
Philosophy of teaching

My teaching is engaging and purposeful. I am genuine and vulnerable with my students so that they feel comfortable doing so in return. 

My lessons are material focused. They are student-centered and playful. I guide my students to build fluency with a variety of materials and together we build a self-reflective learning environment in which to use that fluency. I encourage them to understand their authentic selves and reflect that in their making and learning. 

My classroom has labeled material centers and storage for self exploration and a large work area for collaboration. This organization helps to develop autonomy and confidence in the classroom environment. I am inviting my students to be vulnerable and expressive, it is important that the environment acts in support of those demeanors. 

Art-making is a tool for understanding oneself and the world at large. I use it in different ways to guide my students as authentic individuals. I use art making to support my students in becoming the best human beings they can be.